How Do I - Update my account 

Who can use this feature?
  • Full Access Members can change their name, department/agency, occupation, level and email address.
  • Partners can update their name and occupation.
  • Guests can update their name, employer, occupation, and phone.

Full Access Members



When you move to another department, you can simply update your account to reflect these changes. You should not create a new one.

  1. Log in to the GovTEAMS Dashboard.
  2. Select the Pen icon.
  3. Update your information as required.
  4. Select Update.

To update your email address:

  1. In the Email address field, delete your old email and replace it with your new one.
  2. Select Update.

Please note:

  • You can’t change your email address to a non-government email address.
  • If you are changing your email domain (i.e. the bit after the @), a notification email will be sent to the owners of any private or hidden communities that you are a member of.
  • You can’t change your email address to an address that is already associated with an existing GovTEAMS account.




Video: Update Account - Members (no audio)


Downloadable Resources:

  1. Log in to the GovTEAMS Dashboard.
  2. Select the Pen icon.
  3. Update your information as required.
  4. Select Update.




Video: update your account - Partners (no audio)


Downloadable Resources:

  1. Log in to the GovTEAMS Dashboard.
  2. Select the Pen icon.
  3. Update your information as required.
  4. Select Update.


Video: Update your account - Guests (no audio)


Downloadable Resources:


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


I have moved between Australian Public Service (APS) agencies, what should I do?

If your account is active, all you need to do is follow the steps above to edit your profile page. Select your agency then save. Go back to edit your profile this time changing your email address. A verification email will be sent to the new address. Follow the prompts to confirm your new email.

If your account is Inactive, you will need to contact us to request an agency transfer.

How do I change my username?

Contact us to request a change to your GovTEAMS username.

I’m a Partner; how do I update my email?

Contact us to request a change to your email.

I’m a Guest; how do I update my email?

Contact us to request a change to your email.