External and non-government registration

If you need to collaborate with the Australian Government and are not employed by the Australian Public Service (APS), a GovTEAMS Partner, State Owner or Guest membership may be suitable for you. See our Membership Types page for a breakdown of each membership type.

If you are employed by the APS, you can self-register for GovTEAMS. 

On this page:


  • GovTEAMS OFFICIAL Memberships
    • Applying for a Partner Membership
    • Applying for a State Owner Membership
    • Registering as a Guest


  • GovTEAMS PROTECTED External Memberships
    • Register as an external member in GovTEAMS PROTECTED



Membership Types

Who is it suitable for?

What is included?

Partner Membership

Suitable for external stakeholders working with government who require full access

  • Similar access to a Full Access Member (APS)
  • Create and manage private communities
  • Create and facilitate meetings
  • And more*

State Owner Membership

Suitable for state or local government employees who require full access

  • Similar access to a Full Access Member (APS)
  • Create and manage private communities
  • Create and facilitate meetings

Guest Membership

Suitable for external stakeholders working with government who require limited access

  • Free participation account with basic access
  • Participate in meetings and communities
  • Limited to invited meetings and communities
  • And more*

*See a full comparison table on our Membership Types page. 


Applying for a Partner Membership

To apply for a GovTEAMS Partner Membership:

  1. Submit this form, outlining why you are applying.
  2. GovTEAMS will review the form and make sure it meets eligibility requirements.
  3. If approved, GovTEAMS will arrange the service agreement and payment.
  4. Once finalised, you will receive a link to register.
decorative illustration of clipboard

Applying for a State Owner Membership

To apply for a State Owner membership, please contact us.

For more information on State Owner memberships, visit our State Government page.


Register as a Guest

A member will need to invite you as a Guest to join their community.

As a GovTEAMS OFFICIAL guest, you can only access information available in the community you have been invited to.

For more information on how to register as a guest in GovTEAMS OFFICIAL, please see the guide below: 

Guide - Guest Registration.pdf



GovTEAMS PROTECTED External Memberships

GovTEAMS PROTECTED shares the same functions and purpose as GovTEAMS OFFICIAL, except that it's designed for collaborating on projects that have PROTECTED classification.

A GovTEAMS PROTECTED External Membership may be suitable for you, if:

Membership Type


Who is it suitable for?

What is included?

GovTEAMS PROTECTED External Membership


Suitable for external stakeholders working with government who require full access to GovTEAMS PROTECTED

Similar access to a Full Access Member (APS) in GovTEAMS PROTECTED (excluding the ability to create communities or invite new members to the system).


To apply for a GovTEAMS PROTECTED external membership, please contact us.

For more information on GovTEAMS PROTECTED, visit About GovTEAMS PROTECTED.