Forgot your password

The process for resetting your password depends on:
  • your account type (member, partner, guest).
  • whether you have logged in before, and
  • your account status (active or inactive)
You are a Full Member or Partner and your account is Active

If you are a Full member or Partner and your account is active, you can reset your own password.

  1. Log in to your GovTEAMS Dashboard
  2. Select Can’t access your account.


    cant access account


  3. Select Work or School account.


    work or school


  4. Choose from the available contact methods. The methods available are determined by the Multi-Factor authentication options that you have set. All users will have email available by default. Follow the prompts to complete the verification check.


    work or school


  5. Enter and confirm the new password.
    Passwords must be 8 to 16 characters long and contain 3 of the following 4 criteria – uppercase letter, lowercase letter, number, and special character. Your password cannot contain your username.
  6. Click Finish. You will receive an email confirmation.


You are a Full Member or Partner and your account is Inactive

If your account is inactive/on hold and you have forgotten your password, you will need to reactivate your account before you can reset your password. Refer to the reconfirm your email address page for more information, including detailed steps for completing this process.

Once your account is reactivated follow the steps in the You are a Full Member or Partner and your account is Active section above.

You are a Guest

The GovTEAMS help desk can’t reset passwords for Guest users.

You will know that you’re a guest user if you do not have a GovTEAMS username that ends in or  As a guest, your username will generally be the email address that you registered with (or another user ID set by your organisation). 

When registering a Guest account, it will be linked to a Microsoft account (such as a work or university Microsoft account). If the email being used is not a Microsoft email, a new Microsoft account will be created as part of the registration process.

Depending on your email provider, you may be able to reset your own password. Log in to the GovTEAMS Dashboard and check if the ‘Can't Access your account’ link is displayed. If it's displayed, follow the steps in the You are a Full Member or Partner and your account is Active section above.

cant access account

If the process above does not work you will need to contact your account provider. 

  • For work accounts, contact your internal IT area. 
  • For university accounts, contact your university IT area. 
  • For personal Microsoft accounts, contact Microsoft.